بتول کا تعارف

Idara Batool:

The aims and objectives of Idara Batool (Trust) are to publish, print, edit, promote, maintain and support educational and literary material in the form of books, booklets and periodicals. The purpose of these endeavors is to disseminate knowledge that enable to lead a purposeful life, promote positive thinking, and spread a message of peace among the members of society.


Inaugurated in 1957, Idara Batool has a prestigious history of social and literary service spread on nearly three-quarters of a century. The venture took a start when a group of literary-minded friends mindful of the need to spread the message of truth and peace as Muslims decided to establish a publishing house; The aim was to provide reader-friendly material for women in Pakistan, a large majority of whom was engaged in their house-hold routines devoid of good knowledge resources that could enhance knowledge and help in personal development to lead a purposeful life. They also aimed to create constructive and educative material for children who are the future of Pakistan. Hameeda Begum was the founder of Idara Batool along with other founding members namely Rakhshanda Kaukab, Nayyer Bano, Bintul Islam, Zohra AbdulWaheed, Surrayya Asma, and Nusrat Mehmood. Idara is pursuing its noble mission with the same zeal and commitment as of its founders up till today.


Under the auspices of Idara Batool, the monthly magazine Batool is being published since 1957. It is the only literary magazine in Pakistan benefitting the readers without intermission since its inception. The same is true for Noor which is another monthly magazine by Idara aimed at young children aged 12 years and below. From the very first day these magazines are run by passionate volunteers, committed to the purpose and objectives of the Idara, and anxious to promote literature that enlighten the minds and souls of the readers.

Monthly Batool:

ماہنامہ بتول زندگی بخش ادب کا ترجمان، اور ادب کے ذریعے معاشرے میں مثبت اقدار کے فروغ کے لیے کوشاں ہے

Monthly Batool aims to serve Urdu literature through original and creative pieces of writing in all genres especially afsana. ghazal, nazm, safarnama,tanz-o-mizah and rudad etc. It also includes columns on religious knowledge, social issues, current affairs and life skills. Columns on review of books and literary critique are also a regular part of the contents. In the age of commercialism, Batool is honored with the volunteer association of all the dedicated writers. Along with the regular contributions of the seasoned writers, it has a special place for the writing ambitions of novice writers. That is why it is home to hundreds of passionate beginners, most of them women, who took a start from Batool and are still associated with it as established writers. Along with a wide circle of subscribers in Pakistan, Batool is read by Urdu reading population in India and diaspora community all over the world.


Hameeda Begum was also the founding editor of Monthly Batool. The subsequent editors were Rakhshanda Kaukab, Bintul Islam, Safiya Sultana, Salma Yasmeen Najmi, and Saeeda Ahsan consecutively.

Current Editorial Board:

Surayya Asma, Asia Rashad (Chief Patrons)
Saima Esma (Editor)

Monthly Noor:

Noor consists of Urdu compositions aimed at children of age 12 years and below. It includes material in the form of short stories, poems and anecdotes that generate interest of young children and hone their reading skills. The purpose of these compos is to inculcate good values in them and grow them into useful, positive-minded members of society.

Founding Editors:

Bintul Islam
Saeeda Ahsan
Bint e Mujtaba Meena

Current Editor:

Zirwa Ahsan


Since being founded, Idara is home to publication of hundreds of authored, edited and volumed books and booklets on a variety of topic. It accepts manuscripts which abide by the purpose of Idara and can grab a market for having an appeal to the reader.